June 5th-August 28th
Summer Junior Tennis Program
June 29th
Tennis Social
Grand Marais MN
King/Queen Style competition starting at 10am-noon. Join for a fun, friendly atmosphere and enjoy the new courts here in Grand Marais!
July 27th
Tennis Social
Grand Marais MN
What: Summer Junior Tennis Program - bring your racquet or use one of ours!
Who: 7-12 year-olds interested in playing tennis and improving their skills
When: June 5th - August 28th (13 classes). Wednesdays 4:45 -5:30pm (7–9-year-olds), Wednesdays 5:45 - 6:45 pm (10–12-year-olds).
Registration: limit 10 per age group
Questions: kyle.oberg@live.com
King/Queen Style competition starting at 10am-noon. The second social of the year. Join for a fun, friendly atmosphere and enjoy the new courts here in Grand Marais!
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